Could have sworn this is a "suggest a feature" forum area, is it not?
So this is me, suggesting a feature, and two different people telling me that it's not ATUM's problem and to hire a developer?
I don't know if you guys think these snarky responses are cute, but they aren't.
This is a feature I am needing, and I am kindly suggesting that maybe you change the name of this forum section to "don't bother me with feature suggestions. Pay money to hire your own developers" section, instead of "feature suggestion".
This is a feature everyone could benefit from, and it does have something to do with ATUM. This is an inventory management system, and if you could add features that would benefit your users, such as the ability to send custom messages from the inventory management system to different people so the correct individuals could make decisions on how to manage their inventory better, don't you think that to be beneficial for everyone?
Get it together guys. If you don't want to work, just say so.