How to add alerts & notifications
The ATUM forum use BBCode to add Alerts & Notifications in posts. You can add the following alerts & notifications kinds:
- Basic
- Warning
- Error
- Succes
- Notes
- Custom
[awarning]**Warning!** This is a warning message[/awarning]
Warning! Warning! This is a warning message
[bwarning]This is a warning message[/bwarning]
WARNING: This is a warning message
[cwarning]#f2c779,#fff,#f2c779, WARNING!, This is a warning message[/cwarning]
WARNING!: This is a warning message
[dwarning title=WARNING font=#111 bg=#f2c779 border=#f2c779]This is a warning message[/dwarning]
WARNING: This is a warning message
[berror]This is a error alert[/berror]
ERROR: This is a error alert
[cerror]#f5aca6,#fff,#f5aca6, ERROR, This is a error alert[/cerror]
ERROR: This is a error alert
[derror title=ERROR font=#111 bg=#f5aca6 border=#f5aca6]This is a error alert[/derror]
ERROR: This is a error alert
[asuccess]**SUCCESS!** This is a success message[/asuccess]
SUCCESS! This is a success message
[bsuccess]This is a success message[/bsuccess]
SUCCESS: This is a success message
[csuccess]#a6ca8a,#fff,#a6ca8a, SUCESS, This is a success message[/csuccess]
SUCCESS: This is a success message
[dsuccess title=SUCCESS font=#111 bg=#a6ca8a border=#a6ca8a]This is a success message[/dsuccess]
SUCCESS: This is a success message
[ainfo]**NOTE:** This is a test note[/ainfo]
NOTE: This is a test note
[bnotice]This is a test note[/bnotice]
Notice: This is a test note
[cnotice]#a6ca8a,#fff,#a6ca8a, NOTE, This is a test note[/cnotice]
NOTE: This is a test note
[dnotice title=NOTE font=#111 bg=#8ed9f6 border=#8ed9f6]This is a test note[/dnotice]
NOTE: This is a test note
[acustom]#8ed9f6,#fff,#a6ca8a, This is a custom message[/acustom]
[bcustom]title= Custom Title font=#fff bg=#8ed9f6 border=#f2c779[/bcustom]