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There is no way to set supplier ID on variable product (parent) via interface but you can do that via api. If you set supplier ID on variable product (parent ) via api it show blank on ATUM stock central and only way you can see it just via API request.
Hi artur ,
Thanks for your post and information.
The supplier shouldn't be available for variable products through the API. I've passed this issue on to our development team so they can fix it in future versions.
Best Regards, José Andrés
SHIITTTT . now we dig the hole for ourselfs by informing you . we want to fetch simple + variable products belonging to a particular supplier . if you remove the possibilty to add supplier to parent product our script will stop working and there is no other workaround.
We're sorry to hear that.
But it's an error. Suppliers are linked to variations, not to variable parents. They won't appear at variable levels in the UI (and aren't stored). Indeed each variant may have its own provider.
FYI, ATUM has an endpoint that returns all the variations ( You can filter by the supplier using this endpoint.
I hope this helps.