we are using the ATUM Multi-Inventory add-on and find it extra useful in our shop. I got following case though: we got multiple products in our WooCommerce shop. The whole shop is using four different warehouses, which we use depending on the user localization (for example, we will ship product from warehouse "X" if user is from EU, but we will ship it from warehouse "Y" if user is from US, etc.).
Our test product got four Inventories defined (EU&World, UK, AU&NZ, US) and this is the case for ALL of our products.

Is there a way that we can define those Inventories globally and assign them to each product automatically? I understand for each product we will have different stock levels and other details, but I find it really repetitive to add those inventories each time for each product.
I can see that this sits in the database in the wp_atum_inventories table, so it is possible to achieve this with some custom code for sure, but maybe this is also possible using the UI of the plugin? If it is not possible with the UI but you have some code snippet ready, do not hesitate to share it with me as I'm familiar with WordPress development.
Thank you