Hello, how can I use this plugin for order routing and inventory management? I will give an example of what I want to achieve:
I have a client who is selling items in Canada and the US. The goal is to create two inventory locations and, based on the customer shipping address, place the order to the inventory in that country.
For example, I might have a stock of 5 in Canada and 5 in the US for a given item. If a customer places an order inside the US, the order is placed, and now the inventory in the US is 4, and the Canadian one remains unchanged (5). Everything should be based on the customer’s shipping address.
So, the idea is to set the inventory level in each location. Then, once the orders are placed, it automatically reduces the stock in the inventory that belongs to that country. I do not want the customer to choose the location; I want it done automatically.
Is it the paid version? How much does it cost? I just want that feature.
Hope you can help me!