I am duplicating some products and need to change the ability to allow back order as they are discontinued.
When I duplicate them the option to allow back orders is greyed out and I cannot change it. I tried switching off the ATUM Control Switch, then removing all products from BOM but is still didn't allow me to change it. I tried changing the product data and this didn't help either.
The only way I found to allow me to change the back-order is to disable the Product Levels plugin, change it and then reactivate the plugin but this isn't ideal.
I've checked all my settings in ATUM and Woocommerce but nothing changes this option being greyed out when the plugin is in use. Would you be able to investigate this for me?
EDITED TO ADD: Once I save as a draft after switching off ATUM Control Switch and removal of BOM Products the option becomes available again so maybe a simple fix?