Salva It's. Please, note that there are buttons to expand articles that are hidden by default 😉
Oh, this option wasn't visible enough for me. It's too tiny.
The person who is responsible for the UI on the website or the APP should consider checking the UX again because there are some elements, that aren't visible to the human way of scanning through the website or the plugins.
Salva But it would be a good improvement to be able to add all the items from a delivery at once to an invoice, indeed. I'll note it for a future version.
Would be great to have.
Thanks. 🙂
Salva FYI, there are things you mention (like editing delivery names) that are already possible.
I'll invest more time to go through the DOC. 🙂
But in some UX cases, like changing the name of a delivery, this shouldn't be so hard, that it requires studying the doc.
People are used to some UI standards and ATUM is applying those in some cases, but not everywhere, which can cause confusion.
Salva WooCommerce are using for meta boxes and we always use to follow their UI logic and appearance
This is great, but only if it will not make things harder for the users.
The users care most about a great UX that is leading to a fast workflow without being hindered and not a WC logic that is still lacking UX standards.
Also, ATUM is already having there own UI and UX, so why not have the WC UI standards as a base, but improve on top of it?
It already feels like that, but just not as expected in some UI elements or workflows. 🙂
Salva Regarding the delivery items ordering, invoice items ordering and order preservation (now it's just temporary and don't affect the order for the PDF file, etc), I think it's an interesting improvement too.
This would be amazing to have.
At last, ATUM is already great and I hope it will get better with time.
I expect a lot of improvements. 😀