Does anyone know how if possible, a person can managed the value of their inventory with ATUM?
I'm looking for way to manage the value of my stock based on basic accounting principals.
For example, when I create a PO I can enter the quantity and total cost for that purchase. If the purchase price per unit is not the same as the purchase price last time I have to manually calculate the current product value. Its a rather simple formula where you take the total inventory value of the current stock, add the new value on the purchase order and divide by the total quantity on hand at the time of receivership.
As an example.
If I have 10 widgets on hand with a value of $10 per item then my current inventory value is $100. If I purchase 10 new widgets at $11 each the value of the incoming goods is $110. When received the total value of the stock would be $210. The unit price should be set to $210/20 thus reflecting the current value of the inventory as seen from an accounting standpoint.
Is there a feature that I can turn on that will perform the above math automatically?
Thanks in advance!