Hi team,
We're just getting into ATUM to see if it is a good fit for our workflow. We've purchased a premium add-on to gain access to the app, as primarily we're keen to have it for stock management/scanning. Some feedback/bugs so far (app version 1.0.0-beta.7, Android 12):
- products added with the 'create products list' should be sorted in the 'stock takes comparison' list. I know the filtering tool has some sorting options, but none of them sort by name or variation which would be much more useful when doing a sequential stocktake of items.
- where do the notes go from the 'stock takes count' screen? I did a test stock take for a few products and added notes, but I find nowhere to view these notes afterwards. I've tried in the PDF output report, but it just seems like they disappear. They also don't seem to be visible in the WP/web version anywhere.
- once counted, there should be a 'save and next' option, instead of needing to save, be prompted to return to the list, and choose another product.
- products that have been 'zero' counted aren't obvious in the 'stock takes comparison' list. There should be a visual difference between uncounted and zero counted in this list.
- when stock taking by the 'scan directly' method, there is a typo in the button at the bottom under 'select counting method' - the bottom button says 'san one by one', when it should be 'scan...'
- regarding variation products, it may be a useful feature to have them rolled up under the main product during stocktake. Instead of 10 different lines in the main comparison list, it could be one for the main product, with the count screen having a table of variants and stock levels.
Barcode scanning
- all of the search boxes (except Stock Takes) seem to only search on the product title, regardless of what options are selected in the settings. This should at minimum also search by SKU.
- is it possible for the sync to be 'pushed' on updates, rather than needing to be manually processed? At the very least, any changes should be prompted to be synced on exit.
- when doing a store sync and changing the sync items, choosing the 'apply and update default settings' option doesn't update the settings.
- pressing the system back button (Android) while this menu is open starts the sync. This seems like a bug.
- the 'select all' option should deselect all as well as selecting all
Stock Central
- 'sticky columns' don't seem to have any effect - I presume this option should work like 'freeze' in Excel, but they just scroll off the screen when scrolling horizontally
- in the settings screen, changing the enabled columns doesn't seem to work at all. They are immediately reenabled after saving and going back into settings, and don't disappear in the view at all.
- it would be great to be able to zoom/reduce the text size/column size in this view. This is especially important in horizontal view, as there are only a couple of rows visible at a time.
- it would be good if the title/search bar disappeared when the product list is scrolled, again to maximise screen real estate. This would be similar behaviour to how Chrome on Android disappears the address bar on scroll.
- (also in Products view) - selecting a product to open the edit screen, and then pressing back without making any changes still prompts 'changes made'. This shouldn't occur unless changes are actually made.
That's the list so far! We're very keen to get this working well for our organisation, and will likely delve into some of the other premium add-ons shortly.