Hello @Forum_Admin, So far I have loved your app and already bought a couple add-ons. MI being the one that was most valuable to us with our different store/inventory locations.
Sadly, I am in the same boat as @primordialsoup. I found this thread because I was searching for the very thing @primordialsoup was asking about.
I thought the whole intent of the "Multi-Inventory" functionality was to allow users to manage different inventory counts for the same product, for various locations.
Let me give you a clear example, with some descriptive points about our scenario...
- I have two reps in different cities selling the same products but they each carry their own inventory.
- I'm not going to use the term "Location" b/c you have a seemingly useless feature under the Products section, called "Locations"
- You also have a feature called "Inventories" and I don't want people to choose Store A or Store B when they are buying a product. Reps will coordinate and ship out orders based on who has the inventory available. For this reason, we have kept off the feature to "allow users to choose the inventories they want to purchase"
- Whenever we order new stock, from our suppliers, we split the inventory between Store A and Store B
- We would like EVERY SINGLE ONE of our products to have Store A Inventory and Store B Inventory.
- So we open up Product 1. This Product has 4 variations. We open up Product Varation 1.1 and it has a default of "Main Inventory" so we change that to "Store A" and then clone that and change the name to "Store B" and adjust the respective inventories.
- THIS IS WHAT'S CRAZY... and what I think @primordialsoup primordialsoup was expressing frustration over... At this point, we have to do change the inventory name to "Store A" and "Store B" for EVERY. SINGLE. VARATION.... So that means with one product, if we have 8 variations, We have to open up each variation and add our two stores. What happens when we have 20 stores across the country with different inventories?!
- And to rub salt in the wound here, we then have to do this same process for EVERY. SINGLE. PRODUCT! I have 32 products with 121 total variations. @primordialsoup was saying they have 5,000 products. That literally would take the rest of the year!
So hopefully that lays out a real life example.
Is there now a way where I can APPLY or PUSH my inventory locations (Store A, and Store 😎 to each of my products, without manually having to change each and every one of them? I sure hope that almost 2 years later, there's a solution for this! 🙏