Your Reserved Stock field - can I modify it to be a percentage-based number? 10% of new stock should be reserved, for instance.
We think your system could work if we could figure this aspect out. Here is kind of a summary of how we use it:
Inventory Buffer Needs
The current system utilizes a percentage based “buffer” safety stock as a means for protecting from miscounts, defects and other anomalies.
The functionality requires setting a percentage based buffer at the Product level with propagation to stock levels for each Product -> Color -> Size.
Each new shipment is divided into an Available Qty and Buffer Qty based on a predetermined buffer percentage for the product.
The Buffer Qty is dynamic due to Customer Service utilizing for various needs.
Example of New Shipment’s effect on existing fields:
Available Qty = current available Qty + new shipment available Qty
Buffer qty = current buffer qty + new shipment buffer qty (buffer qty does not recalculate on customer purchase transactions. The only time buffer qty changes is when a new shipment is stocked and when items are manually moved from buffer to available column.)
Total qty = current available Qty (avail qty + buffer qty) + new shipment available Qty (avail qty + buffer qty)